Servizi telefonici e di posta vocale Basta una telefonata di distanza

Rimani in contatto mentre rimani con noi. Fare riferimento a questa sezione per le domande e le procedure comuni relative alle telefonate dal nostro hotel, nonché ai servizi di posta vocale.

Information Calls to 411
$2.50 per call
Area Code: 555-1212
$2.50 per call
Local Calls & 800 Calls
Long Distance (Operator Assisted Rates Apply)
Interstate/Canada Calls (AT&T Operator Assisted rates plus the following surcharges) 1st minute $1.50
Each Additional Minute: $2.00
Intrastate Calls (AT&T Operator Assisted rates plus the following surcharges) 1st minute $1.50
Each Additional Minute: $2.00
International (Operator Assisted Rates Apply)
Europe Calls (AT&T Operator Assisted rates plus the following surcharges) 1st minute $5.00
Each Additional Minute: $4.00
Other Calls (AT&T Operator Assisted rates plus the following surcharges) 1st minute $6.15
Each Additional Minute: $5.00
Voicemail Service (To retrieve your messages)

1. From your room:

  • Pick up the receiver and touch messages.
  • Follow the instructions which you will hear on the line.

2. From house phones or meeting rooms:

  • “Touch” 6006.
  • Enter your room number and the “#” symbol.
  • Enter your password (only up to the first 4 letters of your last name) plus the “#” symbol.

3. From a touch-tone phone outside of the hotel:

  • 212.303.6006
  • Enter your room number and the “#” symbol.
  • Enter your password (only up to the first 4 letters of your last name) plus the “#” symbol.

4. After you have checked out of the hotel:

  • 212.303.6008
  • Follow the instructions which you will hear on the line.

Note: If you delete a message, it cannot be retrieved. Messages stored after your departure will only be held for a period of 5 days. After that time, they will be erased. If you experience any difficulties, please call the operator for assistance.